Saturday, April 27, 2013

Sweet Nothing.

The weekend has arrived.

So I woke up this morning at 6am so that I could meet up with my sisters in running, Black Girls Run!, for our standing saturday run. It was a nice run. Overall I felt pretty good. I even did intervals after the first 1.25 mile. I did my version of 5x400.

400 meters fast 
400 meters slow
repeat 4 more times.

Afterwards I spent a long 10 minutes in Walmart getting 1 thing. Frozen pineapples for this awesome smoothie recipe I found last night on Fit Sugar. As you all know I am doing the 7-day green smoothie challenge so this smoothie came at the right time. It's a de-bloating green smoothie. Pineapple Kale Blueberry Smoothie. I need that in my life.  I will be making it for lunch.

Then it was on to get my belly some breakfast.  Hello Panera Bread. 

Now I'm back home. Belly full and about to start on this final exam. Sigh. Grad school. Help me Lord.

Later today I'm going to a day party with my girlies. I have 3 options. I could only find two but the third is somewhere in between all those clothes. I know it's there!

So yesterday, thanks to Cori at OlivetoRun, I came across this and it brightened my entire morning. Even though I'm not single I still appreciate this dating advice lol. 

If you're single and need some advice or you just  want to get a laugh in this morning (or whenever you're reading) and you love you some Full House, especially Michelle Tanner, then go here. Here's a little teaser. 

When you see a hot guy at the bar:

Anyway let me end with one of my favorite songs right now: Sweet Nothing by Calvin Harris & Florence Welch. This song is so great. Have a great Saturday!!

Doing anything special this weekend?
What's your favorite breakfast spot?
Favorite song(s) right now?

xoxo, the coily bombshell ..... 
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  1. I wish I could do smoothies, I have to hold my breath to down them. But I do love me some protein shakes. I'm not really doing anything special this weekend, just running and being lazy with my family. I don't know though running, plank, squat and pushups don't really count as lazy huh? Have a great weekend!

    1. You can't do smoothies?! Nooooooo! LOL. I love them! Is this only green smoothies or ALL smoothies?! LOL. Yeah it's not AS lazy as you can be but workout first then be lazy! Those are the best days :) Hope your weekend is good as well!

  2. The fact that you wake up so early to run is amazing!

    1. LOL! I wish I could do it more often. But waking up is sometimes hard! I rather get my workouts over and done in the morning!


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