Wednesday, June 5, 2013

I think I loathe pushups.

Not more than burpees though. 
However anytime I see them on my workout I think ughhhh. Noo why meeee. I don't know it's not the push ups, it's just my upper body strength. It kinda sorta has no awesomeness to it. Lol. I just want to be able to drop down and do twenty regular push ups with no pain whatsoever. I guess I have to keep at them huh? No pain, no gain.

Here is my workout today, compliments of Jamie Eason Livefit Trainer Phase 1, Day 17. 
Chest and Triceps. 

No worries, if you're not equipped with the machines for the above. 
Here's a great triceps workout you can do right in the comforts of your home :)

Happy Hump Day!

Is there an exercise that you might just loathe?
What did you have/are you having for breakfast?

- I had a spinach omelet with small oatmeal on the side. Nom nom nom.

xoxo, the coily bombshell


  1. I agree with you about pushups, even though I am strong upper and lower body wise. I also hate working on my glutes, I don't mind squats but I can't stand the leg extensions. Thanks and so glad I ran across your blog.

    1. Like I just don't understand. Like I think my upper body is decent but boy those push ups ... FAIL! I like working on my legs and glutes but now the soreness afterwards lol. Like the whole not even being able to sit on the toilet thing lol

  2. I think Burpees are probably the ones I hate, too - but mostly because I don't feel coordinated enough to do knees always end up getting hurt like I can't bend at the right spot to get down on the ground, lol! Thanks for the tricep ideas!

    1. I completely get that! Something that helps is jumping my legs out wide instead of straight back!!

  3. I am weird because I LOVE burpees. I feel like superwoman doing them! lol Now THAT is a workout!

    1. After about 5 I'm like kill me kill me now but they are killer workout!

  4. what is a diamond pushup? I found you today through BLW. I loved your before & after which led me to your blog and of course I'm hooked,I subscribed. Keep up te good work....I am inspired.

    1. Thank you!! & thanks for subscribing! For a diamond push up you put your hands together on the ground kind of in the shape of a diamond. The thumb tips touch and the pointer tips touch. When you lower yourself down you keep your arms/elbows very close to the side. You will feel it soooo much in your triceps. They are hard. Here is a pic:


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