So many people love to say that they're losing weight to get healthy. But what exactly does that mean?? I was watching Wendy Williams the other morning and my fitness crush Jillian Michaels was on there and they were discussing how this is about the time when people "weight loss" resolution go out the window. Jillian was saying that it is really important that you find your WHY! Because without it, you'll easily lose your motivation (for any goal you have). She said and I quote "Don't say I want to be healthy! What does that even mean? What does healthy look like in your life?" She goes on to say that this can be something that is profound or something that is superficial like you want to be able to wear a bikini on your next trip to Aruba. So this got me to thinking.
What's my real WHY? Yes of course I want to be healthy. Who doesn't want to be healthy and live a long, happy, healthy life? Exactly! But really was that my essential WHY for wanting to lose weight. Ahh. I don't think so. Being that I'm still on my journey, much more healthier but still not done yet. What's my why? I want to look good naked. Not just in clothes. Clothes hide things people. I want to be able to wear a bikini and look amazing to myself in it. Yes I am superficial. I want those things. I want to be able to wear a backless dress. I want that. I want to feel good and have great energy.
Those are my why's.
Those are my why's.
Here's the video if you want to watch it of Jillian on the Wendy Williams Show.
What's your real, non generic, why?
What does healthy look like to you in your life?
xoxo, Preshii
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