Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Fitness Updates + Shape Up 2014 Before & After

So I joined in on an Instagram challenge through GetFitOrGetFat. It's a 60 day weight loss challenge. It started on 9.28.14 and ended today. According to the scale, I only lost 7.3lbs but I can't say I'm not happy about that. However I will say, I feel stagnant. Like I've been dangling around 162 - 165lbs for about a month or so now. I've increased my calories (because I felt they were too low and that could have been why I wasn't losing) however I am still just staying at this weight. I can't get into the 150s and it's driving me insane just a little bit. The lowest I've ever been is 156.8 so I know it is possible but for some reason.... it is just not happening for me.

I didn't really take my measurements "officially" but I did this morning  and in 4 weeks, I will officially do another measurement. Hopefully even if my weight doesn't drop, the inches do! I also went on Tuesday morning to get my body fat measured through the Bod Pod which is suppose to be about 98% accurate. My scale told me I'm 30 -32% but I'm actually less than that. I am 27.9% body fat which places me in the moderately lean category. Yay! My goal by february is to be less than 25% or really close.

Beginning Dec 1, I want to start doing a more strict 40/40/20 "diet". Meaning 40% carbs  40% protein, and 20% fat. Right now I've been doing 50/25/25. So maybe this could be the issue but one this is for sure... eating 40% protein is going to be hard work. Lots of eggs and protein shakes are in my future I suppose and 6oz of lean meat instead of 4oz. I'm hoping this change helps me to retain more muscle and burn off the fat. I think my struggle is still with how many calories I should be eating a day. It's so scary to keep upping my calories but I know it's trial and error. Right now my goal is 1500 net calories a day regardless if I workout or not.

Here are my measurements as of 11.26.14

Neck: 12.7
Chest[not bust]: 34
Right Arm: 10.8
Left Arm: 11.1
High waist (natural waist): 28.3
Low waist (at belly button): 32.5
Hips: 39.2
Right Thigh: 21.7
Left Thigh: 21.7
Right Calf: 13.2
Left Calf: 13.4
Weight: 163.4

Anyway that is all for now. Here are pics from this Shape Up 2014 Challenge. 

Happy early Thanksgivings!! Have a great day <3

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