Monday, April 1, 2013

Today's workout + injury?!

Today's workout.
5 single leg circles (per leg)
5 squat knees (per leg)
30 sec wall squat
40 squats with front kick (per side)
24 single leg deadlifts (per side)
 3 mile walk (yawn - I want to run!)

Yes yes I think I got it in today! How did you start off April? 

Anywho, so I believe I may have an injury :(. It could be from running or other things. The problem I think is with my sciatic nerve. So it's like this dull ache that starts in the center of my right bootay (tmi?) area that goes down my thigh. From my research it could be my piriformis muscle being inflamed and irritate the nerve which could cause piriformis syndrome or it could be herniated disc, a joint dysfunction, etc etc. :( . To say I'm not worried would be a lie which is why I'm not running on it just in case that could cause it to  become worst. I have been icing it and relaxing. It hasn't bothered me too much for the last couple days but I refrain from too much strenuous activities and stretch more (when I remember). I have an appointment to see a chiropractic anyway on Thursday, so I'll get some x-rays and things done then and hopefully will know more as well. Until then it'll be simple lower body workouts and I'll focus more on my core and upper body! Keep me in your prayers! I wanna run!!

xoxo, the coily bombshell
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