Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Apparently I'm a danger to myself.

I am learning that I need more recipes. I keep eating the same things over and over again. I can be so lazy but I want new healthier eats. Eating the same ol, same ol makes me have unhealthy cravings like for I don't know - french fries or something gooey like a cupcake. Then I will really feel like a busted can of biscuits.

I am also too lazy to go to the grocery store because honestly I kind of sort hate grocery shopping. I really wish I could get it delivered. It would be so much more easier on my wonderful life. So yeah being lazy meant I had to really think about what I wanted to eat for dinner because I'm pretty much low on things that make me saw ohhhh. But long and behold I decided on a stirfry. I had some zucchini, squash, and okra in the fridge and then remembered I also brought one white potato the other day just to have.

So I whipped up this goodness.

Very simple. Chop up all the veggies. Season them. Roast the potatoes. Grill the chicken. Add all together in a wok and voila! I like to season mine with this special chinese stir fry seasoning I have and then a little olive oil. soy sauce,  worcestershire sauce, and ketchup/bbq sauce.

 I have this habit that my BF hates. It doesn't bother me but he swears that I'm a danger to myself. When I cook, I tend to do this thing where I leave cabinets open. It's not purposely, I honestly don't notice and then I'll leave out the kitchen and leave them open for someone to come and kill themselves or at least stab themselves in the eye. I took a picture today and this is not even the worst. Funny thing is, I haven't ever ran into the cabinets. I get this from my mom, she does the same thing.

Favorite go to healthy meal?
Do you leave your cabinets open?
Grocery shopping, love or hate?

xoxo, the coily bombshell


  1. I tend to eat the same things over and over too (lately it has been plain slow cooked chicken with some sort of sauce on it, grapes, and Larabars.) I love stir frying stuff too and have recently discovered that Trader Joe's has a delicious Spicy Asian Peanut salad dressing that works really well as a stir fry sauce. I made a broccoli, chicken, onion and brown/wild rice stir fry recently with that sauce and a little sriracha. Best thing I've eaten in ages!

    Ashley @ http://downsizingashley.blogspot.com/

    1. That dressing sounds yummy! I wonder if it's at whole foods, we don't have a traders joes -_-. That stir fry sounds really good!! I never really added rice to mine just veggies but I think I will with the next one!


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