Monday, April 15, 2013

I had two cookies today.

Two very delicious cookies.

Lunch was on my new manager and she had the cafe cater it.
So there was salad, and sandwiches/wraps, roasted veggies (so good), a veggie dip,
chips, cookies, and drinks.
I was happy for the more healthier lunch.
Usually they order Pizza.
I had some yummy salad with a little bit of dressing,
half a sandwich, roasted veggies and two cookies.

One chocolate chip. It was my life.
& then a peanut butter one. It was my 2nd life.
No pics of the cookies. They didn't live a long life.
We have a lot of leftovers.
I ate another half of sandwich a few hours later.
Sue me.

There are more cookies and chips too. Boooo!
But I didn't get anymore.
Two is definitely my limit.
Zero is actually suppose to be my limit.
I'm suppose to be cutting back on my sweets until my Cruise next month.
But it's just so gosh darn hard.
I like sweets damn it.
There I said it.

Anywho time to decide if I'm going to get in some strength training today.
After a long run, I should rest the following day.
But after those two cookies.
I probably will do the scheduled blogilates workout and let the little Asian kick my bootay.
At least a 30 minute workout. Something.

xoxo, the coily bombshell
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