Monday, April 15, 2013

Random Acts of Kindness are beautiful!

First off I just want to say that I am in such shock and deeply saddened by what happened at the Boston Marathon today. If you don't know click here. People are truly sick. You can't even run a marathon in peace. As a runner I am scared, as a person I am angry and disgusted by the things people do.

After hearing about this tragedy, I went to my car and found this note attached to my driver side window. I don't know who it's from and I don't care. It's simply a random act of kindness and it made my day. There are still kind beautiful people in the world. 

Realize the power in being kind.
I challenge you to commit a random act of kindness this week.
Let me know if you do :).

xoxo, the coily bombshell
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