Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Vacation photo dump & back to reality :-/

Happy Tuesday!

Missed me?
Hope so!
I'm finally getting back to reality.
My cruise was awesome.
The wedding was full of love.
My vacation was everything I imagined.
Awesomesauce to the fullest.
But now I need to get back on track.
My second semester of grad school started yesterday.
I haven't cracked open a book so I'm already behind :-/.
I am back at work today.
Bahh humbug but thank God for my job!
I need to work on my May goal of organization!
Then there's my eating....
Especially with my eating.
I FEEL like I've gained 15lbs while on vacay.
I LOOK like I gained probably about 7lbs.
I refuse to weigh myself.
I will wait until June when I feel like I'm back to my post vacay weight.
Today I will begin my detox.
It will go until Sunday.
On Monday I will begin the LiveFit program.
My detox is going to be a citrus detox that my BF suggested.
It's a detox full of citrus fruits (i.e. oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes, pineapples)
Then I am adding in lots of veggies as well.
I need to rid my body of those terrible toxins that I ingested (and enjoyed too much) these past 11 days. 
I don't regret any but I am ready to get rid of them and get my body back on the right path.
Healthy is happy.
Anywho, here's some photo's from my vacation!

Bride & Groom first dance :)

Pics with the bride!

Wedding attire! I love my dress :)

Me & this guy ^_^. 

I caught the bouquet. Kind of pushed folks out the way :-/.

My lovely friends & I

Keywest, Grand Turk, and Bahamas 

Ship fun

Yes I ate GOOD.

Fun times. I miss it. 

How was your week last week?
Do anything funnnn?

xoxo, the coily bombshell


  1. Wait a sec - that was a wedding on a cruise ship?? How awesome is that?!

    Love the pics! And I looked as if I gained 50lbs after my trip to the in laws in Arkansas... Southern food.. Killer.

    Have a great day!

    1. Yesss! It was before the cruise left the port but 10 of us who attended the wedding also went on the cruise with the newlyweds (not their official honeymoon lol)

  2. LOL LOVE EVERYTHING.. Miss the cruise..miss you too.

  3. Of course we missed you!


    1. Yayyy I can't wait to catch up on your blog :)


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