Thursday, June 27, 2013

Livefit Trainer - Phase 1 - Review.

I made it! Let me pat myself on the back. Me finishing 1/3 of a fitness program.... go me! So let's get down to the nitty gritty.

The What?

Livefit Trainer is a program created by fitness model Jamie Eason and (according to Jamie Eason herself) "is a simple 3-phase program for transforming your body and your life in 12 short weeks. My science-based approach combines exercise, nutrition, and supplementation for results that far exceed what any of those tools could produce on their own. Better yet, you'll leave this program knowing how to pursue the fit lifestyle even without my guidance!"

The Who?

"Anyone of any age, of any sex, and from any walk of life. Including you. It'll produce great results and lead to lasting success for everyone. You're all starting from a unique place; no one has perfectly matched genetics, metabolism, hormones and lifestyles. But the beauty of this program is that you start at your own level and work at your own pace. Everyone's body is different, but the same training, diet and supplement principles work for nearly everyone."

The Where?

You definitely need pretty decent gym with machines for this. I have a membership to LA Fitness.

My Pros.

  • Got stronger / Built muscle
  • My workouts were quick - max was 45 mins on heavy traffic gym days.
  • Variety in workouts - every two weeks things "switched up"
  • Easy to follow workout & meal plan (not really a meal plan just an outline for clean eating)
  • No cardio - yup I said it but wait for it ......

My Cons.

  • Feeling "fluffy" (think extra bloated)
  • No cardio - & I said it again!

The reason for no cardio:

"Forgoing the cardio in the first phase allowed your body to use all of the "clean" calories it consumed for everyday activities and building muscle. "

Favorite part so far?

Eating. Is that bad? I'm eating so much and constant because it's apparently necessary for muscle growth. I'm loving it. Cleaning eating of course. It's allowing me to see a better balance with food. I also loved seeing how much more I could lift each week!

Less favorite?

Honestly nothing. I thought it would be the whole no cardio thing but I actually enjoyed not doing any cardio. Yes I missed running but I mean some time off didn't kill me and I'm hoping I come back even stronger over these next months.

Would I recommend it so far?

If you're trying to build muscle and strength then yes definitely so far I would reccommend this program. I definitely see changes in my strength. Weights I weren't able to lift on day 1, I could by day 28!

Did I lose weight, inches, etc?

Weight wise, I can't really say. I don't plan on weighing myself until the very end. I am taking measurements and pictures. I see very very very minimal changes in the pictures as well as inches. Of course from my research a lot of ppl said they gain a little weight and feel "fluffy" during/after phase 1 but then they start the leaning out process in phase 2. So I'm looking forward to that.

Here's my inches report.

As you can see, technically I only lost 2 inches.  I don't know how I feel about those .2 inches on my neck lol. But I could have not measured in the exact spot. Oh well.  :) Big increase in my calves. o_O. 

Hope you all have a great day!
Have you tried Livefit Trainer? If so how did you like the program?
Are you interested in this program?
Plans for today?

These are my own thoughts about the program thus far. 
Everyone's body is different. 
Everyone may not like the program. 
Give it a try for yourself if interested.

xoxo, the coily bombshell


  1. I've always thought about trying this program but now I do crossfit as my strength training. The no cardio thing has been a deal breaker before because I'm a runner!

    1. I thought it would be a deal breaker for me too but the break from running was nice!

  2. hmmm interesting. I've been doing P90X on and off for years, but I might like a change.
    After the half-marathon training though.
    Thanks for the review on this.

    1. Def consider it AFTER half mary training! You would have to be insane to try to do them at the same time!

  3. I haven't made it through LiveFit yet. The no cardio aspect throws me off. Perhaps this winter when I don't need to be in a swimsuit.

    1. You should try it! The purpose is to build muscle with cardio killing it as you build it!

  4. Never heard of this program... I`ll check it out!

  5. OH MY GOOOOD, I am doing the exact same thing, except with a different trainer. Totally different eating program for me (35 % Protein 30% carb, 40% fat a long those lines), am constantly feeling full and fluffy, just like my case we had to do some serious metabolic repair, so I did gain a bit in my first 3 weeks, but hopefully the leaning out will start soon and my body will let go of fat after years of low calorie and high cardio abuse :) Also feeling a lot stronger (and also doing only 1x cardio and 1x HIIT circus per week)....

    1. So awesome to hear! I'm still waiting for the leaning out. This feeling bloated 24/7 kind of sucks!! But this phase i'm doing sprints now o_O


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