Friday, October 3, 2014

OTF: Week 3 Update!

Week 3 is complete! This had been a rough week for me.

I was moving every since Thursday until Wednesday. Because I was moving, I didn't cook and have been eating "fast food". Not the bad bad stuff like McDonald's and BK of course! I had Pita Pit like 4 times, Subway four times. The weekend I did snack some. It started Friday when my complex had S'Mores night. They got me. I had two. One with chocolate and one without (see how I save calories there LOL). S'Mores actually aren't that many calories but still - the sugar. I then took 3 home (they were S'Mores to go) and I ate one on Sunday, gave one to the BF, and threw the other out (before it made me eat it).

Also eating wise, on Saturday I went to this thing called CurlFest. It's like a natural hair expo. Was so much fun and all day long! So therefore I ate lunch there and even though we were at the Marriott, the options in their food court was SLIM. Especially to eat healthy. I ended up getting a grilled chicken sandwich and had about 10 of my friend's fries. The chicken sandwich was the best choice possibly though it sucked cause of the white bread. That night I went to a Jamaican restaurant and got Curry chicken with white rice, steamed veggies, and plantains.  The chicken and steam veggies are healthy :). I tried to not eat too much of the rice and only ate 1 plantain!

Not to mention because I've been moving (packing, moving, cleaning, etc) - I have been snacking a lot because I feel like I'm doing a workout because my apartment that I moved from was on the 3rd floor so for those days I was constantly walking up and down 3 flights of stairs with boxes and such. So much FUN. Anyway I guess I was eating more than I thought even though I recorded my intake in MyFitnessPal and wasn't going over my allotted intake my weight gain showed that my body wasn't having it. So I realllly need to buckle down. I can't win if I keep gaining. A little disappointed I must admit.

Workouts wise, I worked out 5 times. Yay! Constantly trying to push myself to greater limits. I did however have a hard time getting into the Orange zone this week. One of the hardest workouts this week was Tornado Tuesday. With this workout we spent 1 minute at each station and did 9 rounds of this.

Station 1 - Treadmills - All out pace. 
Station 2 - Weight floor - AMRAP for whatever move
Station 3 - Rowers - All out pace.

It was intense. Especially because our trainer challenged us to up the incline by 1% each round so by the end I was at 9% incline with a speed of 7.0 . Hardest minute ever. But glad I got through the workout nevertheless! This coming week I'm going to try and see how a base pace of 6.4 mph feels. Got to keep striving for faster speeds so when I get back on the pavement - I come back hard!

Oh and I joined another challenge on IG (Get Fit Or Get Fat ShapeUp 2014 - Cycle 5) . This one is for 60 days. Ends right before Thanksgivings. Another reason to go hard with OTF. I got two challenges on my hand both with $500 grand prizes! These challenges will hopefully keep me motivated and inspired to do great these next couple months!

Weekly Training Report

9.25 - Thursday
9.27 - Saturday
9.28 - Sunday
9.30 - Tuesday

10.1 - Wednesday 

Stats | Weight:
9.9.14: 174.2
9.18.14: 168.4 (-5.8)
9.25.14: 168.6 ( +.2 -- Didn't expect much change thanks to Vegas!)
10.2.14: 169.6 (+1)

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