Monday, April 22, 2013

Oh my GREENness :)

So today is the beginning of the Green Smoothie challenge hosted by 
Katherine at Real Food Runner 
(along with some other awesome bloggers that I would love to name but I'm being so lazy today)

So last night I already had decided on what I was going to have for breakfast.
A green smoothie why of course.
But for me, I have learned that a smoothie is just not enough fuel for me.
Not if I expect to stay full for a few hours at least.
So I also had an omelet.
I tried something different that I saw on Monica's blog (Run Eat Repeat)
It's basically a PB&J&B omelet.
Peanut butter (well in my case almond butter), Jelly, and Banana Omelet.
It was delicious.

& yes it's in a wine glass. Why? Because I'm fancy.

My green smoothie recipe for today:
1 cup of water
Few (about 8) pieces of ice
A cup or 2 of spinach 
1.5 bananas
A few blueberries
About a cup of frozen mangos

It made enough for 2 (abt 12 oz) servings.

There are so many great benefits to drinking green smoothies
and these are only a few.

Throughout this challenge I hope to try some new recipes.
I usually stick to spinach or kale 
and my fruits vary between bananas, strawberries, blueberries, and mango.
I'm such a child of habit. 
So I hope to learn some awesome recipes!
Just finding out about the challenge? There is still time to join in on the follow.
Go here! There's also a cool giveaway going on :)

Now carry on with your lives as I sip my 2nd green smoothie of the day.

Did you have your green smoothie today?!

xoxo, the coily bombshell ..... 
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Comments are encouraged and appreciated! Thank you for reading :)


  1. I could drink green smoothies everyday of my life! Have you ever tried kale with almond milk, slmond butter, chia seeds and bananas? my fave!
    emma @

  2. Stopping by from the smoothie Link up this one looks yum!

  3. I found you through the green smoothie challenge! My recipe was very similar. I just used mango, banana, and spinach. Yum!

    1. I love doing mango and banana ones as well!! Thanks for stopping by!!


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